Chance....and other horrors

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Books are Here!

Murder Takes a Ride and Chance...and other horrors are available now!

Order your copy today!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter from Luke

Luke the Detective Dog takes a break from solving crimes this weekend to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Luke has just discovered the villain in his second murder investigation with Hap Lynch. Set in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Luke and Hap join forces with Rachel Vasquez, their neighbor and a detective with the Port Isabel Texas police department.

By the way, the story of this investigation is told in Murder is for the Birds.

Luke's doggie suggestion: Take a nap, romp and play, eat plenty of treats and you'll enjoy a fun-filled weekend!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Joyce Faulkner's Username

If you've not read "God Bless the Sinner" from Chance...and other horrors, you need to order your copy soon. That story begins Joyce Faulkner's next book, Username, which is set for Fall publication.

"God Bless the Sinner" introduces Rod, a character so creepy you won't be able to forget him. Chance...and other horrors is available for the Kindle; print edition can be ordered from Amazon or Joyce.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Should Luke the detective dog have a doggie partner?

Luke's friend, Rosie, visits him in the next Hap Lynch murder mystery. Do two doggie noses sniff out more clues? Can Luke become a better detective with Rosie's help? Have you read the Kindle version or preordered your print copy to meet Luke and his partner Hap?

Check out Murder Takes a Ride today!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Police Writers Conference

Joyce and I will attend the Police Writers Conference in Las Vegas in July. It's a first for both of us.

We're new members and look forward to conference topics that include forensics, police psychologists and undercover agents. It should make for some delicious plots.

Check it out at

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Luke from Murder Takes a Ride

Luke & Hap taking a break!

What does Luke do when he's not helping Hap solve a murder? I know it's hard to believe but here he is taking a break.

Read Murder Takes a Ride to see what makes Luke so tired! Available on Kindle at Amazon or pre-order your print copy.

Luke in relaxation mode

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Characters You'll Remember

Chance...and other horrors introduces readers to characters they can't forget. Meet Chance, Rod and Hedy; each from their own memorable story. Like the last story in the book shows us, some things are unforgivable.

Order your copy today! Chance...and other horrors is available on Kindle. Print edition is available for pre-order from Amazon or from author Joyce Faulkner.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nan Wisherd on Chance...and other horrors

Chance is a collection of stories dwelling in the dark side of the human psyche. It is unsettling, fascinating, and impossible to put down.

 Nan Wisherd, Author of Pathways, The Earliest History of Northern Wisconsin‟s Brule Region, Echoes From the Past, and Brule River Country,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Author David Harry comments on Murder Takes a Ride

The Ozark Mountains and famed Branson Missouri form the otherwise pleasant backdrop to a puzzling murder investigation that takes place when a dead body is found in a ride at the local amusement park.  In Murder Takes a Ride, Pat Avery keeps the reader guessing 'who dun it?' until the very end.

David Harry is the author of the Padre Puzzle and the upcoming mystery/thriller Padre Predator.  Keep up with David Harry at

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chance Trailer

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to ask you all to take a look at my new trailer at the top of the blog. If you like it, please leave a comment on it. Hope you all will give Chance a chance. I hope it scares the pants off of you...makes you squirm a little...and makes you think alot.


Murder Takes a Ride Review by Kathleen Rodgers

Author Pat McGrath Avery’s first stab at fiction is a winner. In the bucolic Ozarks outside of Branson, Missouri, at a family friendly amusement park packed with congenial workers and their guests, a dead body is discovered on one of the rides. The story unfolds with a chilling note penned by the killer. Fast paced, like the rides at the park, “Murder Takes A Ride” delivers a fun and entertaining romp with a likeable narrator named Hap and his trusty sidekick, Luke, a little dog that is a good listener.

Retired from law enforcement, Hap drives buses and works the parking lot at the park. Then one day his supervisor, Buddy, tells him to hustle on over to the Devil’s Night Ride, an indoor water ride where riders shoot laser guns at creepy creatures. Hap’s job is to make sure all the guests exit the cars at the end of the ride. Everything is going smoothly until Hap checks the last car. What he finds will change everything. So much for his peaceful retirement job, his trust in his fellow coworkers.

As Hap searches for the killer, he begins to suspect everyone around him. And surely Hap couldn’t have one enemy in the world, could he? Sometimes it’s the people we least expect who could do us harm. Highly recommended for folks who like a good mystery.

Kathleen M. Rodgers is the author of numerous magazine and newspaper articles and the award-winning novel, “The Final Salute: Together We Live On.”